Love Them, But Leave Them – The Burrowing Owl
Owls come in all shapes and sizes, with about 19 different species of owls in the United States alone. While some owls are able to adapt really well throughout the world, there are some species who are struggling to survive. This post is about one of the species that is struggling – the Burrowing Owl. My first encounter with a Burrowing Owl was about three years ago when we first visited the Las Vegas area. The owl was sitting in the gravel, in the middle of the day, as we walked past. I’m not even sure how I noticed it, it sat so still and blended in with the surroundings. …
A Date For Horchata
While Cinco De Mayo is certainly a good date for making Horchata – I am talking about the fruit date. Horchata (pronounced or-cha-ta), is typically a sweet, milky drink that was originally made from ground tiger nuts, and was very popular in Spain. Most people however, are more familiar with the version made popular in Mexico, which is usually made from rice milk and LOTS of sugar! In recent years, Horchata has really caught on as a “trendy” drink, and you can find it everywhere from restaurants to coffee shops to cartons of it in grocery stores. It wasn’t until this past visit to New Mexico that I had actually had my very…