Something to Bark About

The People We Meet

We often run into people in our travels, that like to share their stories with us.  The other evening, as I was out walking, I came upon a fellow walker, who was also out enjoying the evening.  He had stopped to watch a couple of planes fly over, and it was at this time, that I caught up to him.  As we walked, he told me about where he and his wife had just travelled from, and where they were headed.  We walked for some time, as he told me about travels around the world that he and his wife had taken over the years.  He had retired from the Army, after 20 years of service, and in the early 1990’s, upon retirement, he took up videography as a hobby (his wife was already a professional photographer).  What started out as a hobby, soon turned into a fulltime “career” of sorts, as he and his wife took to travelling around the world, photographing and creating video of all that they saw!

When we reached the end of his walk, he introduced himself, and his wife.  He handed me his card, as well as hers, and invited me to watch his videos, and to share them if I found them interesting.  He also asked me to drop him a line if I had any questions or comments.

His name is Justin Pleasant.  His wife is Karen.  He was so interesting and easy to talk to, it was as if I had known him for years!

I asked him If I could share his story and his information on my blog and my Instagram account.  He told me to “share away”!

So, I am sharing with everyone, his card, and his wife’s card.  I hope you will head to their websites and check them out!  They have both done some beautiful work!

If you would like to check out their websites now, you can click here  for Justin’s videos, or click here for Karen’s photos.  They both do amazing work!!

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